How to Stay Productive for Working From Home During the COVID-19. Tips and Tricks

#remote #work #workfromhome

It’s time to move on to the issue of organizing a workplace 😄

1️. Follow order (and daily routine)

If you have a stationary computer, consider yourself lucky – you will not be tempted to lie back on the couch during the working day (probably), which means that you will immediately have a properly organized workplace. Well, perhaps a little littered with cats sleeping on it, but this is tolerable.

It’s another matter if you have a laptop. Fashionable laptop owners can sit comfortably on sofas, armchairs, and the floor. True, in the end, you will have to pay with shooting pains in the lower back. Therefore, you need a table, just believe it.

2️. Take care of lighting

Lighting also affects work efficiency. Daylight is believed to promote productivity. Therefore, it is great if the workplace will be naturally lit most of the day. The main thing is that there is no glare from sunlight on the monitor screen.

And do not forget about the correct artificial lighting, because often work activity increases precisely in the evening. Cold white shades promote concentration, while yellow, on the contrary, relaxes.⠀

3️. Add details

Favorite pictures on the walls, inspiring notes on the mood board, toys, and pets sleeping behind the monitor – the main thing is that you feel comfortable and cozy. But a little. Otherwise, you can get stuck on cats for the whole day.

4️. Use the pros of homework

For example, you can replace your usual work chair with a swiss ball) which is great for keeping your posture.

5️. Communicate with colleagues via video link

Yes Yes Yes! Turn on the cameras on work calls at least once a week, otherwise, we will soon completely forget what other people look like   Be sure to show them off to your beautiful workplace!

6 . Make a Plan

First things first: make a plan. Without external reminders, it’s easy to drift when you’re working from home. A plan makes it easier to stay on task and get things done.

7. Start Your Day Right

You might start with something like:

  • Wake up at a set time
  • Make coffee, eat breakfast
  • Get dressed and ready for the day
  • Spend 10 minutes checking the news, social media, etc.
  • Look at your to-do list and start your day.

8. Use Tools to Help with Distraction

There are tools to assist you in combating distraction. If you find yourself losing time on social media, checking the news, or otherwise not working, consider trying out to install a special time-tracking app.

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